A thorough understanding customer preferences and price sensitivity is important in predicting how they will respond to a pricing policy. By understanding how price influences brand preference and choice, you will be able to more profitably capture a fair share of the value your products and services provide customers. SMD advocates an approach that includes 4 steps:
1). Segmentation: Generally the factors that influence price sensitivity will vary across different groups called segments. A failure to properly segment the market to account for customer heterogeneity may result in price sensitivity estimates that have poor predictive capabilities.
2). Preference Analysis: The key to effective preference analysis is to determine the product features or attributes that drive customer choice and then to determine how preference changes as price and other attributes change. There are three broad quantitative approaches to estimating customer price sensitivity.
1). Segmentation: Generally the factors that influence price sensitivity will vary across different groups called segments. A failure to properly segment the market to account for customer heterogeneity may result in price sensitivity estimates that have poor predictive capabilities.
2). Preference Analysis: The key to effective preference analysis is to determine the product features or attributes that drive customer choice and then to determine how preference changes as price and other attributes change. There are three broad quantitative approaches to estimating customer price sensitivity.
- Monetary Value to the Customer (MVC) Analysis: estimates price sensitivity based on factors that have a direct economic impact on customers, such as the cost of using or maintaining the product.
- Survey-driven estimates: Typically some form of trade-off or conjoint analysis is used to estimate the importance of variations in a product's price and features. The result is a preference function that assigns a value (either in dollar or utility terms) that can be used to measure the attractiveness of different potential alternatives.
- Revealed preference: When sufficient customer purchase data is available, customer sensitivities to changes in prices, product features, and marketing variables on the likelihood that a customer or market segment will choose a product from a specified set of alternatives based on their actual purchase behavior.When appropriate several of these techniques may be applied jointly. In the absence of survey or economically derived estimates, the judgments of product managers and sales representatives may be used as surrogate measures.
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